Tarot Tuition
My Tarot courses are now available
The Tarot is a powerful tool for gaining insight into yourself and your life. As with many techniques that are used for self-improvement, the Tarot has benefits and limitations. While it can do quite a lot for you, it cannot solve all problems and is not designed to make decisions for you or tell you what to do.
A Tarot reading is like a snapshot of what your life looks like at the time of the reading. The cards tune into your energy – the person asking the question – to give you a picture of unseen influences, patterns of behaviour, obstacles, and strengths. A reading can give you an idea of where you are now, where you’ve come from, where you want to be, and how to get there.
While the Tarot gives suggested actions to take and a likely outcome if you take them, it does not predict the future. The future is not a static or unchangeable thing. You make choices and decisions each moment of your life, whether or not you are conscious of them. The gift of free will allows each person the ability to create the future he or she wants. With the insight gained through a Tarot reading, you will be better equipped to make decisions and take action that is in line with your best interests, growth, and development.
Major Arcana
Suit of Wands
Suit of Cups
Suit of Swords
Suit of Pentacles
- The Fool
- The Magician
- The High Priestess
- The Empress
- The Emperor
- The Hierophant
- The Lovers
- The Chariot
- Strength
- The Hermit
- Wheel of Fortune
- Justice
- The Hanged Man
- Death
- Temperance
- The Devil
- The Tower
- The Star
- The Moon
- The Sun
- Judgment
- The World
- Ace of Wands
- Two of Wands
- Three of Wands
- Four of Wands
- Five of Wands
- Six of Wands
- Seven of Wands
- Eight of Wands
- Nine of Wands
- Ten of Wands
- Page of Wands
- Knight of Wands
- Queen of Wands
- King of Wands
- Ace of Cups
- Two of Cups
- Three of Cups
- Four of Cups
- Five of Cups
- Six of Cups
- Seven of Cups
- Eight of Cups
- Nine of Cups
- Ten of Cups
- Page of Cups
- Knight of Cups
- Queen of Cups
- King of Cups
- Ace of Swords
- Two of Swords
- Three of Swords
- Four of Swords
- Five of Swords
- Six of Swords
- Seven of Swords
- Eight of Swords
- Nine of Swords
- Ten of Swords
- Page of Swords
- Knight of Swords
- Queen of Swords
- King of Swords
- Ace of Pentacles
- Two of Pentacles
- Three of Pentacles
- Four of Pentacles
- Five of Pentacles
- Six of Pentacles
- Seven of Pentacles
- Eight of Pentacles
- Nine of Pentacles
- Ten of Pentacles
- Page of Pentacles
- Knight of Pentacles
- Queen of Pentacles
- King of Pentacles